About us


UNSCENEFestival of Arts Universities has quickly become a unique event in Transylvania. For the last three years, the city of Miercurea Ciuc has donated Csíki Játékszín for a week to the fresh graduates to introduce themselves, meet and get to know each other. The first edition was born out of a need to show solidarity with our future colleagues during the pandemic, but in the meantime UNSCENE has become perhaps the most anticipated annual event for graduating students.

The festival is not only an opportunity for students to meet and introduce themselves, but also a unique opportunity for audiences to watch high quality, fresh, cutting-edge performances and meet the next generation of theatre and film talent.

The art universities, the main partners of the festival, are increasing every year. During the fourth edition in 2024, The Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj, The University of Arts Târgu-Mureş, The National University of Theatre and Film ”I.L. Caragiale, The West University of Timișoara, The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iași and Rippl-Rónai Institute of Arts and Theatre from Kaposvár will discover Miercurea Ciuc as a city with a sincere openness towards young people and a vibrant cultural platform.

In an ultra-bureaucratic world where phrases like "multiculturalism" or "multi-ethnic cooperation" are just nice-sounding slogans in reports or interviews, we are proud that Unscene makes a real impact in the fight against prejudices and contributes to human and cultural encounters that would otherwise not take place, encounters between young artists who will be the great artistic personalities of tomorrow's world.

Our fundamental belief is that art and culture can change communities, bring people together, and can substantially shape a city's history and destiny for good.
