
BBTE, Cluj Napoca, directing/acting, master's degree, year II


95', Hunyadi László studio, RO


"gen. snowflake" is a theater performance that starts from the team's stories, using a method developed during the residency at the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova by the master's students of the Faculty of Theater at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca, under the guidance of director Bobi Pricop. The show is a collage of scenes that illustrate current themes: body shaming, anxiety, financial dependence on parents, online identity, or social maladjustment. Drawing from the actors' experiences, the performance has autobiographical and self-referential aspects, in an aesthetic of simplicity and honesty. "gen. snowflake" seeks to question the ironic labeling of Generation Z as "snowflakes."

Cast: Codruța Bonta, Leonard Chionac, Ioan Crișan, Eduard Crucianu, Petra Panait, Maria Pandrea, Mihai Andrei Pleșa, Demetra Vasiliu, Nicola Zaharia

Directed by Mihai Gligan, Tudor Antofie
